Proxy Analysis

Timely, Transparent Proxy Analysis

We automatically track new shareholder meetings as they are announced and publish corresponding proxy reports providing asset managers information on the meeting details and resolution analysis within days

Standard Proxy Report

Standard Proxy Report

Within days of a proxy notice being published, analysis on the resolutions are generated by Root's automated framework

Meeting details on upcoming AGMs, including links to all relevant documentation

Resolution summaries providing a holistic understanding of the resolution and topic

Explore our public Shareholder Meeting and resolution Tracker showcasing the basic level of data we monitor

ESG Highlighting

ESG Highlighting

We also provide overviews of routine management resolutions through an ESG lens

Director Elections and Remuneration are reviewed in light of how the company's ESG policies and integration

Audit and annual reports are analysed how well they incorporate material ESG risks

Shareholder proposals are analysed in light of of their relevance, materiality and industry-practice

What makes Root different?



See exactly where the information we generate is coming from

See exactly where the information we generate is coming from



We can customise the information according to your portfolio or research

We can customise the information according to your portfolio or research

Near real-time

Near real-time

We process documents through our frameworks as they are published

We process documents through our frameworks as they are published



Our use of LLMs makes our data extraction cheaper than manual collection

Our use of LLMs makes our data extraction cheaper than manual collection

Check out our other solutions

ESG Analysis
ESG Analysis
ESG Analysis
ESG Analysis

Root reviews the climate, nature, social and governance performance of 1,000s of companies, aligned with standard frameworks

Custom Proxy Analysis

Root can align its reports and analysis to specific voting policies, providing tailored research and voting recommendations on complex topics